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Fight is on in Arizona

November 29, 2009 | Arizona, industry | Comments (1)

From a Capitol Media Services story that appeared in the Yuma Sun:

Unwilling to go away without a fight, the state’s payday lenders are trying to convince lawmakers to let them stay in business despite a public vote to the contrary.

And they’re hiring some big guns to do that.

The industry has retained the services of former state Attorney General Grant Woods. He told Capitol Media Services that after studying a proposal for a new lease on life by lenders, he’s convinced there is a role for payday lenders.

The lenders have hired Highground, whose owners include Chuck Coughlin and Doug Cole, both confidants of and advisers to Gov. Jan Brewer.

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1. Howard Fischer - November 29, 2009

Please: If you are going to lift the story from the Yuma Sun, please properly credit it to “Capitol Media Services.” The Yuma Sun is a client of our wire services — as our other newspapers, radio stations and web sites — and pays for this service,

Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions.

Howard Fischer
Chief correspondent
Capitol Media Services