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Comment of the Day

November 16, 2009 | alternatives, industry | Comments (0)

A Payday Pundit reader likes her overdraft protection:

Does Mr. Dodd not know that trying to float a check to make ends meet  doesn’t exist today?  Without this benefit from Banks a lot of people can’t make it from payday to payday.   If I need a tire fixed on my car so I can get to work on Wed and I don’t get paid until Friday with this benefit I can have confidence my check won’t bounce and I can get to work so I can pay my bills and feed my family…   obviously Mr. Dodd doens’t understand the  BENEFITS of this type of program, or what it is like to have to live on a limited income..Hello your job is to take care of the people , one time the Banks are doing something right and you take it away.

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