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Missouri action

November 13, 2009 | Missouri, industry | Comments (0)

Reps. to hold local hearings.  From the story:

Two state representatives will have a district legislative hearing to discuss payday loan reform at 6:30 p.m. Monday at the Columbia Public Library, 100 W. Broadway.

Rep. Mary Still, D-Columbia, and Rep. John Burnett, D-Kansas City, plan to discuss the issue and hear testimony from reform advocates including religious groups, representatives of the Better Business Bureau and AARP. Bill Black, an author and economics and law professor at the University of Missouri-Kansas City, also will testify. Black formerly served as deputy director of the National Commission of Financial Institution Reform, Recovery and Enforcement.

Still and Burnett co-sponsored reform legislation in the House of Representatives during the 2009 legislative session. The bill, House Bill 150, was modeled after federal legislation that called for interest rate limits of 36 percent for military families and no rollover of loans.

If you’re in Columbia, MO, go to the meeting.  Tell them what your customers say about the service.

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