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Everything is relative

November 9, 2009 | federal legislation, industry | Comments (0)

Time magazine thinks financial reform is easy.   At least easier than health care reform.  From the story:

What reform could dramatically remake America and become law by Christmas? Not health care. While a health care bill crawls through the Senate, bills of equal significance are speeding through the Banking and Finance Committees of both chambers of Congress and will share the spotlight this week on Capitol Hill. And because of the odd politics of finance, and an aggressive behind the scenes push by the Administration, real financial reforms have a better chance of becoming law by the end of the year than an overhaul of health care.

The Payday Pundit thinks this reporter is wrong.   It’s extremely unlikely this could happen by Christmas.  Dodd isn’t introducing his bill until tomorrow.   The House hasn’t even passed the CFPA.

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