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Wow, they have a map

October 20, 2009 | Mississippi, alternatives, industry | Comments (1)

From the story about another meddling city council, this one in Jackson, Mississippi:

Paheadgra Robinson, director of consumer protection for the Mississippi Center for Justice, provided council members with a map of nearly 60 check-cashing businesses, most of them clustered around low-income neighborhoods in south and west Jackson.Robinson said Jackson needs to do something to address what she said is a problem for poor people and minorities. The fees associated with payday loans can be as high as 572 percent when figured on an annual percentage rate, she said. “With Jackson being the capital city, it is something we need to be at the forefront of,” she said.

Robinson said Jackson needs to do something to address what she said is a problem for poor people and minorities. The fees associated with payday loans can be as high as 572 percent when figured on an annual percentage rate, she said. “With Jackson being the capital city, it is something we need to be at the forefront of,” she said.

How about doing something for people who are unbanked or need $300 in credit?  Well check cashers and payday lenders are doing something.  They’re helping these people.

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1. j - October 20, 2009

The Mississippi Code of 1972 clearly lays out the process and reasons for reclassifying and amending zoning regulations of municipalities and the reasons quoted by the council members and mayor are NOT one of them. This is rampant all across the Country. It’s about time the industry starts using the judicial system to overturn some of the decisions by these self serving politicians.