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CFPA gets the predictable support

October 13, 2009 | federal legislation, industry | Comments (2)

Big government Lefty columnist Errol Louis supports the CFPA for the usual wrong reasons, except for this one:

Instead of leaving consumers to guess – or learn the hard way – about what fees they might be charged, the proposed agency would ban jargon and double-talk.

Yes, if the CFPA is about transparency, we’re all for it.

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1. Glenn Burton - October 13, 2009

Isn’t “jargon” in the eye of the beholder? Perhaps they’ll overturn truth in lending regulations with the nonsensical APR calculations.

… and how does Mr. Louis know what they’ll do? The agency doesn’t even exist!

2. dana - October 13, 2009

The CFPA would have authority to determine which products consumers can choose from. In short, the bill would create a regulatory overlay of the entire business community, extending far beyond traditional financial services. We need to take control of consumer choice. How does CFPA affect you? http://www.friendsoftheuschamber.com/issues/index.cfm?ID=469