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September 30, 2009 | Uncategorized | Comments (2)

Testimony before the House Financial Services Committee this morning:

Examples of the financial abusers targeting racial and ethnic minorities abound, and can be found throughout the mortgage arena, where predatory lenders consistently targeted African Americans and others. This was also done in credit card abuses and in payday lending, just to name a few.

Why would any lenders target customers by race?

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1. Chris F - September 30, 2009

Seems that the only lenders that targeted a specific race were the ones that were provided and “incentive” by the Federal Govt! This in turn was the beginning of our current mess in the home lending arena.

2. iowaoperator - September 30, 2009

No one could possibly walk into a paydayloan store on account of their own volition. Obviously someone compelled them to do so and targeted them. They are completely incapable of making decisions on their own. It is a shame that Mr. Shelton thinks the people who he represents are too stupid to think on their own?