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This is just wrong

September 24, 2009 | alternatives, industry | Comments (2)

One of those lead generator companies that fills up Google News with nonsense posted something ridiculous today:

If you are thinking of going under the knife of a surgeon for enhancing your facial features or want to immediately repair some damages to your skin, then you can avail instant plastic surgery loans in the same day, such an emergency money is specially useful when you do not have much money left in hands at the end of a month.

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1. Alan - September 24, 2009

This sounds like purchase money financing except it is a payday loan and instead of the money going directly to the Doctor it goes directly to the customer. This type of financing is done all the time with term loans and is handled by many of the subsidiaries of the large banks and financial institutions. You can finance anything these days!

2. PDL Industry Blog - September 24, 2009

These bloggers sound ridiculous b/c they try and embed as many keywords (search phrases for search engines) in their text as possible.