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Sick of this

September 22, 2009 | industry | Comments (2)

Do journalists think it’s clever to say “loan shark”?

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1. Chris F - September 23, 2009

David Berky, Prersident of Simple Joe Inc is an idiot!! It is aparent that he failed to advance past 1st grade math with his example of turning a $100 loan with a $15 fee on a typical payback of 14 days into $3,785 over 1 year. Wow! I want a piece of that action! That $100 will generate $390 in revenue. He then goes on to ask if McDonalds charges $15 to make your food. Well, if they are filling an order of $100, then I am pretty sure that thier gross profit on this meal is more than 15%!! Just use the cola as an example, you pay what, a $1.89 for a paper cup, ice and cola that has an actual cost of about $.10. Yeah, I think they charge a little more than a PDL…

Nice example David Berky, President of Simple Joe Inc!!!

(If you can’t tell, I want David to find this post when he Googles his name so that he can see just how far off base his is with his lies and misinformation)

2. Chris F - September 23, 2009

Just did a quick Google of Simple Joe Inc. They sell a computer program that is suppose to help consumers payoff debt. It goes by the name “Debt Eraser”. The sad this is that this business is using false and misleading information to scare the consumer into buying thier product. The wording in the article regarding the APR and profit is used routinely on the internet.

I wonder if Mr. Berky has ever been asked to substaniate his claims? If one blatently misleads the consumer in their advertising, would you buy thier product?