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September 22, 2009 | ACORN, Center for Responsible Lending | Comments (0)

From March:

ACORN & Center for Responsible Lending:  Subprime Culprits

For those of you who don’t know, ACORN is a consumer group that began after the Community Reinvestment Act (CRA) became official in 1977. Their stated goal since the beginning has been to combat redlining. However, what they have achieved over the years is to effectively convince lenders to relax their standards so that they can serve people with poor credit and little or no assets. According to the Wall Street Journal, ACORN and the CRA “laid the foundation for the house of cards built out of subprime loans.”

During the recent presidential election, an organization called the Association of Community Organizers for Reform Now (ACORN) grabbed more than its share of the headlines. Specifically, there have been allegations that ACORN has been involved in large-scale voter fraud (and here’s a road map).  But let’s focus on some of their even more prominent activities, and how they have had close ties with Self-Help Credit Union and the Center For Responsible Lending (CRL). It could easily be said that ACORN and the CRL have sided against the American taxpayer since day one.

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