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Chamber targets CFPA

September 8, 2009 | Wall Street Journal, federal legislation, industry | Comments (0)

As the Wall Street Journal reports, the Chamber of Commerce is running an ad campaign against the proposed new agency:

The Chamber’s goal is twofold: move the spotlight off the unpopular commercial banks and mortgage lenders that are the target of the legislation and muster a roster of more sympathetic opponents.

“We want to go beyond the usual suspects to show how overreaching this is,” said Amanda Engstrom, a senior vice president at the Chamber who created the lobbying and advertising campaign.

The lobbying push comes as Congress returns to work after a monthlong recess. While most attention on Capitol Hill will be on health care, lawmakers on the financial-services panels will continue to forge ahead on legislation in response to the financial collapse. Rep. Barney Frank (D., Mass.), the chairman of the House Financial Services Committee, plans to begin olding votes on his panel’s parts of the legislation, including the consumer agency, later this month.

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