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Status of things

July 29, 2009 | federal legislation, industry | Comments (2)

After talking to a few lobbyists, here’s what I’ve learned about federal legislation.

The leadership of the House is considering whether to use the Consumer Finance Protection Agency legislation as a vehicle for all financial regulatory reform, including payday lending.  Gutierrez postponed the markup of his bill because of these negotiations.

Senator Durbin, who has a rate cap bill, has been quiet, waiting to see what happens with the CFPA.

September will be an exciting month for the industry.

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1. Iowaoperator - July 29, 2009

Not the kind of excitement I like though.

2. Chris F - July 29, 2009

Boy, this could go either way. Should they create a set of Federal Regulations that allow for the industry to survive, this could be a very good thing. We shall see…