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Comment of the Day II

May 26, 2009 | Uncategorized | Comments (1)

Another reader didn’t like the Good Morning America hack job:

Noticeably the APR of Bank Overdrafts, Utility Reconnection Fees, ATM Fees and Credit Card Late Payment Fees were left out. I guess they are okay. It is perfectly fine for Banks, Utility Companies and the like to hit people with fees but we as payday lenders are bad guys and gals? Media sensationalization of course, in this piece from “Good Morning America.” The show should be renamed. “Good Morning America, Time to See How Well we Can Pull The Wool Over Your Eyes.”

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1. Jon Schultz - May 27, 2009

I think Chris Cuomo has one hell of a nerve to accuse anyone of greed, considering how much he is likely paid by ABC. Doesn’t he know that the huge salaries which people like himself and Diane Sawyer receive cause ABC to charge more for advertising, and the advertisers in turn pass that on to consumers in the form of higher prices? If “stars” like them did not, in general, demand huge salaries then consumers would be paying less for things and many of them might not need a payday loan.