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Who’d a thunk it?

April 28, 2009 | industry, research | Comments (1)

Consumers want everything to be cheaper.  From a Center for Consumer Freedom survey:

Earlier this month a lobbying group called the Center for Responsible Lending (CRL) released a survey purporting to show that most Americans support capping interest rates on short-term loans. But a recent survey conducted by CCF shows that many Americans support a price cap on nearly everything: 39% support the government limiting the price of a cup of coffee as well as new televisions!

CCF’s survey also showed that 57% of Americans support Congressional action to cap the cost of cell phones, 56% support capping interest on short-term loans, and 55% supported capping the price of automobiles.

The Payday Pundit just bought a new laptop for about $500 so some things are actually coming down in price.  My last laptop cost about $900.

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1. J - April 28, 2009

Price caps=wage caps