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Martin Eakes on Fannie Mae

April 28, 2009 | Center for Responsible Lending, industry, media coverage | Comments (0)

From Fortune magazine in 2005 in a lengthy story about Fannie Mae:

There are plenty of people who still believe that what’s good for Fannie is good for home-ownership–and that the whole thing was little more than a political dirty trick. “They’re just not dishonest in any way,” says Martin Eakes, who runs the Self-Help Credit Bureau in North Carolina. “It’s a little hard for me to swallow that what appears to me to be a hatchet job by OFHEO has basically been validated by the SEC…. You mark my words, you will not find scandal there or fraud.”

Maybe he’s sucking up because The Self-Help Credit Union was in the subprime lending business with Fannie Mae.

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