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Just to prove WE have a sense of humor

March 28, 2009 | Georgia, industry, regulation | Comments (1)

Even if our critics don’t.   From the Atlanta Journal Constitution

Another bill — Senate Bill 130 — would quietly allow resumption of payday lending, a predatory practice banned five years ago. In its “lease-back” incarnation, payday lenders could make loans with triple-digit interest rates that were secured not by future paychecks but by refrigerators and stoves. (When the world ends, the only survivors will be cockroaches and payday lenders. They have demonstrated incredible adaptability and agility to reinvent themselves and coax legislators to carry their banner. The lenders, that is, not the cockroaches.)

Yea, but it’s newspapers, not payday lenders, that are on the endangered species list.   It would be funny if some of these editorial writers that lose their jobs in the coming years need to take out a payday loan.  Or better yet, take a job at a payday loan store.

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1. Darren t - March 30, 2009

Well I know one thing that wont make it to the end of the world………..NEWSPAPERS……..I wonder why?????????????AJC FAIR AND BALANCED……..LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL