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New research now available on payday lending customers

February 10, 2009 | customers, industry, research | Comments (0)

Researcher finds that payday lenders provide a desired service to lower and moderate income, middle-educated, young American families.

An analysis of Consumers’ Use of Payday Loans by Gregory Elliehausen, Division of Research and Statistics, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System and Financial Services Research Program, The George Washington University School of Business, describes the demographic characteristics of payday loan customers and considers whether they make rational decisions and if they benefit from access to credit.

Elliehausen notes that only 2% of U.S. adults use payday loans at any one time and provides a detailed picture of the typical payday loan customer, including who they are, how they use the service and their decision-making process.

According to Elliehausen, customers that use payday loans:

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