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Comment of the Day

January 31, 2009 | Uncategorized | Comments (0)

How do banks get away with charging whatever fees they want without even documeting the situations under which these fees will be assessed. I know that TISA requires that fee assessment procedures be explained in documents available to customers but what resource does the customer have when the bank fragrantly ignores this requirement?
My bank routinely debits my account on the day or day after it issues an electronically generated check; this date is often several days before the payee even gets the check. This practice is not documented in materials available to its customers although if you ask e-banking personnel or customer service reps, they act like you are an idiot to think that it should be any other way. On the other hand, Branch managers and Tellers are totally unaware of this practice.
So, they pulled this on me and it caused a string of NSF fees that I am trying to get them to refund.
Anyone help?

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