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Comment of the Day

December 14, 2008 | Uncategorized | Comments (0)

Isn’t it about time payday loan advocates like FISCA and CFSA make an effort to partner with other industries that are also under attack? Like the sub-prime credit card industry?

We’re getting killed! We need creative approaches to communicating the fact that consumers, by the millions, demand the payday loan product just as they demand access to credit; even at so-called “high” rates. Let the consumer decide what makes sense for their situation.

The FED’s proposed new rules generated A LOT of public comment. The general tone of much of this comment focused on continued access to credit and credit building. The payday loan industry is making inroads in credit building and credit reporting. We need to highlight this benefit more.

And, we need to join forces with other industries to communicate the fact that consumers want and need our products more than ever in these trying economic times!

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