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Who uses payday loans in Canada?

December 4, 2008 | customers, industry, international | Comments (1)

Interesting facts on this website about average payday loan customers in the frozen north:

  • 38 years old
  • 77% are employed full time
  • Nearly half (46 percent) have completed post-secondary education
  • 39% reported income of $50,000 or more
  • Overall household income on par or ahead of general population
  • 39% of customers reported household income in the $50,000 or more

Now, please, no comments from our Canadian readers about the “frozen north” reference.  This is a blog, we’re mean and snarky.  

Update:  Link fixed.  

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1. Stan - December 5, 2008

Life’s too short to be mean and snarky my American friend. For additional studies, polling, and survey results check out the Canadian Payday Loan Association website!