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High credit card fees, eh?

November 13, 2008 | alternatives, industry, personal finance | Comments (1)

Looks like Canadians are getting hard hit by credit card fees.  Between that, really cold winters,  and socialist medicine, it sucks to be a Canadian.  From the story

For example, Toronto-Dominion Bank – which has skirted the worst of the credit crisis – is the latest lender to toughen up key conditions of its credit card agreements.

The changes, effective Dec. 1, will drive up interest rates for most Visa customers who miss two consecutive minimum payments. Customers who take 30 days beyond the payment due date to make the minimum payment will pay interest at 24.75 per cent, a five percentage point jump.

Canadians will have to sit inside and watch hockey all winter.

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1. Stan - November 14, 2008

Really cold winters? We’re tough. We ski..downhill and cross country, skate, play hockey
Socialist medicine? you mean like the universal health care plan that Obama wants for Americans?
Sucks to be Canadian? Oh really? And who is losing their homes? And who is watching their banks collapse? Need I go on…eh?