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Ohio economy goes from bad to worse

November 12, 2008 | Ohio, personal finance, states | Comments (1)

Unemployment up, revenues down.  Hey, here’s an idea:  let’s put 6,000 Ohioans on the unemployment lines and increase the number of vacant store fronts.   From Epluribusmedia

The unwanted combination of falling state revenues and rising job losses is the ghost that’s been stalking Gov. Ted Strickland, who appeared Tuesday in Wilmington in southwest Ohio to stand tall if not glum and grim with local officials who were told by German-based shipping giant DHL that it will eliminate the jobs of about seventy-five percent of the town’s 10 thousand population by year’s end, another demonstration to Ohioans that their future will likely be gray and gloomy for months and maybe years to come.

That was uplifting.

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1. j.d. - November 12, 2008

Can anyone believe the audacity of Strickland! He stood to eliminate 6000 jobs from the payday lenders. Then he stands against the casino’s which would have effectively brought another 10000 jobs to Ohio, and to Wilmington. The same place he is at to preach to the choir about job creation! The article also said the unemployment fund is near bankruptcy. Sounds like a brilliant idea to send 6000 more to the unemployment line. If this quack gets elected for another term. The people of Ohio need to get there head examined. Maybe Bush wasn’t to far off when he told the Gov. he was to blame!