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Columbus Dispatch sticks to its postion

October 27, 2008 | Columbus Dispatch, Ohio, industry, media coverage, regulation, states | Comments (0)

Not unexpectedly, the Columbus Dispatch came out for keeping Ohio’s law, H.R. 545, in place.  From yesterday’s editorial:

….The Dispatch recommends a yes vote on State Issue 5 to allow Section 3 of Substitute House Bill 545 to go into effect. A yes vote will set a $500 maximum on loans provided by short-term lenders, including payday lenders; will cap the annual interest rate on such loans at 28 percent; and will require lenders to allow borrowers at least 31 days to repay a loan.

It’s hardly worth commenting on.  Once a paper takes and editorial position, it’s nearly impossible to get them to change.  In any case, this is going to be a close vote.

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