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Law of unintended consequences?

September 28, 2008 | Columbus Dispatch, Ohio, industry, media coverage, states | Comments (8)

Some internet payday lenders are calling in their Ohio loans, saying they have to under the new law.

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1. dt - September 28, 2008

This law is going to hurt so many people if it goes through,and why cause some advocates got in the ears of some bored politicians who’s only interest was political gain.Instead of dealing with real financial problems.They decided to ignore the banks and go after payday lending.THE RESULT…Banks, credit unions and credit card company’s are raising credit standards even as there being bailed out by the people that they have in large part turned there back on!Now there wanting to take more options off the table by legislation.What is going on here?Ohio has bigger issues than issue 5 but voting this awful inconsistant law down would be A GREAT START..WE AS OHIOANS HAVE TO STAND UP TO THESE BAD LAWS AND SEND A MESSAGE TO THESE POLITICIANS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!NO ON ISSUE 5

2. Susie - September 28, 2008

It’s a wrap. The beginning of the end for payday lenders. Cut your losses and get out of the state.

You’re struggling to get Issue 5 on the ballot. More than half of your signatures were thrown out. That was just downright embarassing for your industry.

Be honest with your employees and start closing up shop. Come November 5th, you’re gone for sure. I love it!!!!

3. Chris - September 28, 2008

Susie, and why exactly do you “love it” do you like seeing people suffer? desperate and needy for a way to provide for their families?

explain the reason why you wish so much misfortune on people less fortunate than yourself other than a sick and twisted need to watch people squirm around and suffer.

4. Susie - September 28, 2008

I really do feel for the employees. However, payday lenders constantly take advantage of their custormers. How would you feel if you thought $400 was coming out of your checking account next week. Instead, the lenders pull it this week breaking the contract.

Over and over again, payday lenders have been greedy and rob the poor. It’s sad because the employees will suffer while the fat cats take their millions and run.

5. dt - September 29, 2008

Snoozie you would love it im sure if we left,but guess what we are going to get on the ballot and were going to win !WHY???Cause people dont want stupid people like you to tell them whats best for them….IT’S THAT SIMPLE….So thanks LITTLE SNOOZIE FOR MAKING THAT POINT EVERY TIME YOU LOG ON TO YOUR COMPUTER.You make easier everyday.The heat is on and these advocates are sweating up a storm thats worth it all to me.PEACE LOVE PEACE LOVE SNOOZIE

6. Susie - September 29, 2008

Just you wait! LOL!!! Just you wait!!!

7. Chris F - September 29, 2008

You two need to settle down a little bit. Either way this goes, the little guy will end up losing. If the intiative does not get on the ballot or gets on and is defeated, the the little guy will lose a necessary form of credit. If it makes the ballot and wins, the little guy still loses as it will be another demonstration of the uncontrolled representation in our government. Along with this demonstration, the activists aginst the industry will work harder and harder to undermine our ability to do business and they have already forced numerous hardworking Ohioans out of a job.

8. Chris - September 29, 2008

This in in reply to Susie in her #4 reply.

payday lending has gotten me out of a hole.. the trick that i followed was borrow 1 day before my actual payday and essentially it doubles my pay. i was then able to put more down on bills at the beginning of the month and then have the next pay only to cover the cost of my advance. then once one bill was paid off i would borrow less and less and less until eventually i borrowed 100 dollars once and that was the end of my payday advance period. The thing is people will always look for somebody to blame nobody wants to take responsibility for their OWN DEBTS. I did and i solved it at least i was able to use a fantastic tool to my advantage before the government ripped it away bloody murder style from the people that need it most.