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Comment of the day

September 25, 2008 | Uncategorized | Comments (2)

I wonder how the IRS feels about these churches and religious figures taking a stance one way or another regarding political issues. Just thinking because the United Church of Christ was investigated when Obama spoke at their convention, and was later vindicated because no where within the senator’s speech did he mention politics and was there as a guest of the UCC to speak of his faith journey and being a member of the UCC.

This on the other hand is a completely different circumstance – - these ministers and priests alike seem to be ‘trying’ to talk their members into voting one way and then hiding behind their pulpits when they are faced with the truths.

All because of Bill “the man that has no” Faith in people deciding their own lives.

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1. Glenn - September 25, 2008

They may be well intentioned but not very well informed. I strongly suggest that the clergy stick to their knitting and stay out of politics.

2. dt - September 25, 2008

Dont cast stones if you live in glass houses.Some clergy have bigger issues to work on and what they support with member donations,and know this many people in the church support our issue and even signed the petition.The truth will set you free….THAT DOESNT MEAN HALF TRUTHS Mr. Faith