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Pompous twit spouts off in Virginia Daily Press

August 30, 2008 | Daily Press, VAs Against Payday Loans, Virginia, industry, industry critics, media coverage, regulation, states | Comments (0)

This is over the top.  In the Virginia Daily Press today,  a guest writer invokes one of the greatest men who ever lived, William Wilberforce (see the movie “Amazing Grace” to learn more), in his screed against payday lenders: 

This commission can act with the boldness of William Wilberforce, the 19th century reformer who, against the powerful opposition of well-heeled commercial interests, led the effort for one of the greatest social reforms known to man, the abolition of the slave trade.

Well the Payday Pundit can be more pompous than some “consumer” advocate.  To paraphrase another great Enlishman,  payday lenders shall go on to the end…we shall fight on the beaches of Virginia, we shall fight on the landing grounds of the state capitol in Ohio, we shall fight in the fields and in the streets of California, we shall fight in the hills of Colorado, we shall never surrender.

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