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New payday lending alternative?

July 31, 2008 | Center for Responsible Lending, alternatives, industry | Comments (0)

Women selling their eggs is the latest thing: 

 Across the country, fertility centers have also seen a surge in repeat donors and surrogates.

 A woman who passes the health and psychological screenings can get thousands of dollars in return for her donation.

“The donors will make in the area of $7,000, and the surrogates will make anywhere from $20,000 to $30,000 plus,” said Nancy Block, founder of the Center For Egg Options.

In the Valley, Dr. Bruce Shapiro at the Fertility Center of Las Vegas said compensation is closer to $3,000 to $5,000.

The Payday Pundit is anticipating  the Center for Responsible Lending finding this practice sexist, racist, and a corporate plot aimed at stealing wealth from low-income citizens.  The only claim they won’t make is that it targets seniors. 

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