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The Pundit gives a primer on the First Amendment

July 30, 2008 | Virginia, regulation | Comments (2)

The Daily Press in Virginia wrote a snarky editorial today under the headline “This Explains It” denouncing the lobbying activities of various interests, including payday lenders.   Money quote:

Lobbyists spent a record amount — $20 million in the last year — trying to influence the Virginia General Assembly. That would account for the way some things went.

In one fell swoop, the paper accuses all the members of the Virginia Assembly of corruption, and, all the lobbyists and campaign contributors of having bad motives.

Of course, they can criticize, pontificate, and impune the character of anyone they want.  Newspapers are protected by the First Amendment to the Constitution.   BUT, so is lobbying.  Under that same First Amendment, there is a right of the people to “petition the Government for a redress of their grievances.”  This is held by most constitutional scholars to protect the rights of lobbyists.

Of course newspapers also spend money to influence the legislature.  They pay editorial writers and devote valuable newspaper space to this purpose.  And when a legislature is considering legislation that will affect the news business–Internet rules, copyright laws, political advertising rules–they hire lobbyists and make sure they are heard.

The First Amendment is a great thing.  It would be nice if newspapers respected it in full, not just embrace it when it suits them. 

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1. John's critic - July 31, 2008

They didnt “change” their minds. They were told how to vote. Mr. Strickland told them that they WILL pass this bill. I am sure pockets were padded. They were inded bought off and not honest about their descisions

2. John's critic - July 31, 2008

They didnt “change” their minds. They were told how to vote. Mr. Strickland told them that they WILL pass this bill. I am sure pockets were padded. They were indeed bought off and not honest about their descisions