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“Peace & prosperity” or “WWIII”

July 29, 2008 | industry, media coverage | Comments (0)

There was a fairly civilized discussion in the comments section of the CBS Evening News segment with stuff like this:

What”s funny is that when you type in payday loans above on the search site you get 3 listings for internet payday loan sites. How hypocritical is that for CBS? Looks like they secretely support them and not the other way around. Why not tell my bank that”s charging me $35.00 in overdraft fees and $5.00 a day until it”s cleared up that they are predatory? What about that story? In two weeks time that is $70.00 if I only had 1 overdraft. I would rather use the payday loan it”s cheaper!
And, then a couple of lunatics weighed in with this:
This is all the fault of Clinton and the liberals. Remember and vote GOP in November! Vote for peace and prosperity!


I can see you are an idiot. The GOP party is the biggest threat to our national security. They are warmongering, fearmongering fools that want to live off the backs of hard working people. All they have done is start unnecessary wars and destroy the dollar as we know it. Now they want to attack Iran and start WWIII.

The Payday Pundit  prefers peace and propserity over WWIII, but doesn’t know what this all has do to with CBS’s story on payday lending.
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