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Alabama irony

July 11, 2008 | Alabama, industry | Comments (0)

The Anniston (Alabama) Star, which published this editorial today urging people to get involved in fighting the payday loan industry, managed to incite three people to get involved.  These three:

From:  Mr. Right:  WOW, thanks for another balanced article… If we are going to have civil discourse then lets talk honestly and openly about the issues. When you start with the basis of putting them out of business, there is no discourse left. Civil discourse speaks directly to communication, analysis, and allowing all of the issue to be discussed. It is apparent by this and the last article that there is no discourse left as you have made up your mind, but thank you for skewing perceptions and weighing issues only one sided.
From Bill Smith: This newspaper was swayed by the propoganda provided to them by CRL, a group backed and funded by credit unions. The interesting thing is that they have not even attempted to seek out the facts and report them in a faif and balance manner.

Cigarettes continue to kill people…..we all know that. Why is this newspaper not attacking the tobacco industry. Maybe there is not a group such as the CRL that need to profit from putting a viable business out of business that can afford to tackle tobacco.

From Payday Defender: Your editorial against payday lenders is tantamount to the religious right’s views on abortion clinics. You want to “protect us” from ourselves. God gave us freedom of choice. Who are you to tell us what we can or cannot do financially? It’s amazes me when people force their will upon others in the name of “doing good”. Mind YOUR OWN business or some day you may find yourself faced without the freedom of choice you desperately need at some point in the future. And don’t be so quick to judge people. Everyone makes mistakes, fortunately we also have the ability to correct them and move forward.

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