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Ohioans don’t like to be told what is good for them

July 1, 2008 | Ohio | Comments (0)

In response to Tommy Moore’s letter in the Zanesville Times Recorder discussing the Ohio referendum,  someone sent this comment to the newspaper:

Just tell me where to go to sign for you.

It would appear that most people don’t understand or don’t want to understand that banks, the small loan businesses, and credit card companies are all tightening their policies on lending at all and none of them offer the small loans like the payday lending businesses do.

Most people can’t qualify for a loan thru the regular channels anymore and if you don’t have a job and guaranteed income, you can’t get a loan anywhere anymore. That leaves only the payday lending businesses for lots of people.

Not to mention the fact that I, for one, am tired to death of everyone else telling me what is good for me.


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