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“The economy and the economy and the economy”

June 27, 2008 | Uncategorized | Comments (2)

…Says McCain during his recent visit to the Buckeye State.

Q: What are the three key ingredients for winning Ohio?

A: The economy and the economy and the economy … Ohio leads the nation, tragically, in the loss of home ownership … the flight of manufacturing jobs, the list goes on and on … it’s the economy, not so stupid.


Q: What must a candidate do to win on the economy?

A: Develop the plan of action to allow (Americans) to stay in their homes, educate their children and have a job.

Too bad the elected leaders of Ohio turned their backs on the economy and instead chose to eliminate an industry and put 6,000 people out of work.

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1. John - June 27, 2008

Elected leaders in Ohio chose to reform an industry gone wild and encourage fair lending with reasonable interest rates. Payday lenders should have no trouble operating at 28% interest. A product designed to trap individuals in debt and keep them coming back for more, is not a good thing for our economy.

2. Chris - June 27, 2008

Wow! You obviously have no clue as to what you discuss. Prior to the elected leaders legislating a business out of existance Ohio had some of the most effective laws on the books. They required that all loans must be paid in full and the customerscould enter into another transaction until the following business day. This and the equivilant fees of $15 per $100 borrowed were some of the lowest fees in the country that still allowed a company to exist. A payday loan or small, short-term loan is not a vehicle to trap a customer in a cycle of debt as ultimately all parties lose, but instead it was and is a product that is coveted and demanded by the consumer while being shunned by the traditional lenders. Free enterprise is a wonderful thing when it allowed function as intended and not interfered with by “do-gooders” that fail to listen to the masses.