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You call this an alternative?

March 5, 2008 | alternatives, industry | Comments (0)

When calling for a ban on payday advance, the industry’s critics often cite the many alternatives. One such alternative currently being hocked on Amazon.com is called: “The Complete Guide to Prosper.com” by author Sean Bauer. This “book” promises (for only $13.57) that:

Even if you are a computer novice, you will be able to get a great start borrowing or lending money online. Step-by-step instructions and screenshots are provided in this easy-to-follow guide to take the frustration out of your online experience.

This, like most of the other payday alternatives, are not such good alternatives after all.  Some are really just charitable organzations giving out handouts disguised as loans.  Some need taxpayer dollars just to stay afloat.  Others are like Mr. Bauer.

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